My baby boy CHINWA is so cute I love him.....He is a very fit little puppy....... He can outrun me.....Lol.....hes so so so so so so so so so so so cute....
were ready to go the skyline restraunt...
my little babii is a show off his teeth are so sharp that we have to use a glove when we play fight with him...
my lil boy is ssoo cute he is such a poser look hyow beautiful he is my lil babii...i love cchhiinnwwaa (chinwa)...
MMee iinn tthhee ssnnooww
We drove to Mt Ruapehu then we played in the snow but it was hot so I had to take off my gloves and big jumper and the sun was burning so I had to wear sunnies...
Friday 24th July 2009
Today Im in the I.c.t room and Im with my friend Ayla we are doing some work on my blog...we are going to go to chamber choir soon...yay today we dont have an assembly today we have Flying dogs are good they are as cute as always... so yeah todays going to be a good day...seeya...xoxo
My new baby Kisska now we have2 Chihuahuas
KissKa wow little cutie we've had her for 1 month now yay lol=0i love her little cute little bark.i love her...
Jenny and me ready to go to 2008s formal.....
lol....were funny......
Katie and Me!!!!!Are best friends!!!!
Katie and Me had just got back from a party we are very random!!!!